Q: Can you get pregnant the first time a girl has sex?
A: ABSOLUTELY! As long as a girl is ovulating and sperm is able to get to the egg, pregnancy is a possibility.
Q: Can a girl get pregnant BEFORE her first period?
A: Actually she can. Let me explain...a girl will ovulate BEFORE she has her first period. If the released egg is not fertilized then her menstrual flow begins. Thus, technically if she has sex AFTER she has ovulated but BEFORE her first period starts, then she can get pregnant. 34
Q: Does an abusive relationship always include physical abuse?
A: NO. Abusive activity includes physical, sexual, mental and verbal. Many teenagers are involved in abusive relationships and don't even realize it. To see if your relationship is abusive, take a look at the Abusive Relationship Checklist. No person, guy or girl, deserves to be in an abusive relationship and the longer you stay in that type of relationship, the harder it is to get out of.
Q: If you wash yourself after sex can you prevent STIs or pregnancy?
A: NO. No matter how well you wash or douche it will not reduce your chances of catching an STD or becoming pregnant. (And please note that you should NEVER wash your genitals with any other substance other than a gentle soap and water unless directed by a doctor.)
Q: Can antibiotics interfere with birth control?
A: YES. There's only one known antibiotic that can interfere with hormonal birth controls. Thus if you are put on this antibiotic most likely you will want to use another form of birth control such as condoms if you are married or abstinence if you are single. (Unless otherwise directed by your doctor) Also, please remember that birth control does NOT reduce your risk for STI's at all. 35
Q: Can you get an STD from a toilet seat?
A: Highly unlikely, "the toilet seat is not a common vehicle for transmitting infections to humans. Many disease-causing organisms can survive for only a short time on the surface of the seat, and for an infection to occur, the germs would have to be transferred from the toilet seat to your urethral or genital tract, or through a cut or sore on the buttocks or thighs, which is possible but very unlikely." 36
Q: Do sperm die when they are exposed to the air?
A: NO. Sperm is dead once it dries and it won't come back to life if dried sperm is remoistened. But sperm can survive much longer than that inside a woman's body. Sperm can live in the vagina or uterus for 3 to 5 days. 37
Q: If I wear two condoms, do I get double the protection?
A: NO! In fact if you wear two condoms, friction is created which can rip and tear the latex and when a condom leaks or tears there is ABSOLUTELY no protection from STIs and pregnancy.
Q: Does the "pull out method" prevent pregnancy and STIs?
A: First we have to define "pull out method" which is when a man pulls out his penis from the vagina before he ejaculates. And to answer the question...NO! This method does not work because almost every man has pre-ejaculate or "pre-cum" (which contains sperm) on the tip of his penis before he ejaculates therefore he is still able to get a girl pregnant or give/receive an STD. 38
Q: Can you get pregnant from having anal sex?
A: YES. I know that sounds absurd but technically you can get pregnant that way. How? Well, the vaginal opening and the anus are only centimeters apart therefore if any semen leaks from the anus into the vagina, a girl could get pregnant.
Q: Can you get pregnant while on your period?
A: YES. Although the chances are low, if you have irregular periods or your cycles are short, then it is possible. And many teenagers do not have regular periods so the chances increase for them. Also, sperm can live in the female body for up to a week. 39
Q: What is the difference between STD and STI?
A: Not much when most people use these terms. STD stands for "sexually transmitted diseases" and STI stands for "sexually transmitted infections". The main difference is that STD medically means there is some sort of damage in the body yet not all STIs do that thus they came up with a more fitting name. But most people use the terms interchangeably. 40
Q:What does “consistent” condom use mean?
A: Use a new condom 100% of the time with every act of vaginal, anal and oral sex throughout the entire sex act (from start to finish). 41
Q: Do sexually active teens wish they had waited?
A: Yes, many who have had sex wish they had waited. 42
Q: Is EVERYONE having sex?
A: NO! Less than half of 15 to 19 year olds are sexually active so there may be a lot of talk but not everyone is actually making those choices. 43 Over half of high school students, that were surveyed, indicated that they had never had sex. 44
Q: How many guys actually get girls pregnant?
A: An estimated nine percent — or 900,000 — of young men between the ages of 12 and 16 will become fathers before their 20th birthday, based on a survey conducted in 2012. 45
Q: Is abstinence possible?
A: ABSOLUTELY! It isn't the easiest or most popular choice but ANYONE can choose the best for themselves. Just remember, the best choices aren't usually the easiest ones.